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Student Achievement

The T-TESS evaluation requires one or more of the following student growth measures [150.1001(f)(2)]:

(A) student learning objectives;
(B) student porfolios;
(C) pre- and post-test results on district-level assessments; or
(D) value-added data based on student state assessment

Additionally, "If calculating a single overall summative appraisal score for teachers, the performance of teachers' students, as defined in §150.1001(f)(2) of this title, shall count for at least 20% of a teacher's summative score" [150.1002(e)]. 

We will use different student growth measures for different groups of teachers, mostly dependent upon whether a teacher teaches a tested subject.

Different groups of teachers:

  • Group A teachers: teachers in grades 2 through 8 whose students participate in the NWEA MAP assessments in reading, math, or science. Their SLOs are tied to NWEA MAP assessments.
  • Group B teachers: most kindergarten through first-grade teachers whose SLOs will be tied to the DIBELS/Lectura assessment.
  • Group C teachers: these are high school teachers whose students are assessed by the English 1, English 2, or Algebra 1 STAAR/End of Course exam. Their growth measure is the value-added data based on student state assessment results.
  • Group D teachers: these teachers teach Art of Thinking or social studies in grades 3-10. Their students will take a district created pre-test in October, a mid-year exam a the end of January, and a post-test in May.
  • Group E teachers: teachers of record with the following assessment data for the grade/course they teach- CIRCLE, AP/IB Exams, Biology and US History EOC/STAAR Exams.
  • Group F teachers: all other teachers not included in groups A through E (e.g., Pre-K3, most elective teachers, CTE teachers, K-12 core subject teachers without district assessments from Group A-E).

Each Group of teachers will receive a possible 35 points for student performance. However, the type of growth measure varies by the teacher Group.


Grow is the platform that is utilized to set, track, and measure teachers’ Student Performance goals and Student Learning Objectives.